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Friday, June 11, 2010

FHE - to Bridal Vail Falls

Monday I went to FHE and we went as a group up to Bridal Vail Falls. Here I am with (left to right) Corey, Me, Steven, Katie, and Amy.

Katie is sitting at the base of the falls, we crossed a small stream in order to climb the face to get to these pictures.

Here I am at the base of the falls, see my hair pre-fall exposure...just wait till you see my hair at the top! (I'm kind of sitting like a little girl, it was not planned)

Here is the falls from the base. They are incredibly beautiful, we climb up a 90 degree angle wash to get to the middle level of the falls. It was awesome.

Here is the Provo river that runs at the base of the falls.
And across the way you can see a small little fall on the other side of the highway. I want to hike up there to see that one.

Here we are after we get up the wash, some of us were really tired after the climb, but man did all of us enjoy it...can't you tell. We are smiling aren't we? Ok, that might be because I insisted on a photo and everyone is just grinning and bearing it.

Here is another picture of all us with Steve included, he took the first shot and thought he got out of the victory shot, but I insisted.

Alright...here is the picture you have been waiting for...check out the wind tunnel hair. The wind coming off the falls in incredible. I felt I really needed to have my feet planted on the ground to keep from flying away.

Pretty incredible what Heavenly Father gives us to enjoy. We have this beautiful earth that is full of wondrous things if we but look for them. I am so grateful for the beauty of the earth.

Alright, back to the group...here we are doing funny faces. I love pictures like this, because it shows each person personality. I tend to be a geek, others tend to be nerds, and some are just space cadets..but at the end of the day we had fun.

I don't have a picture to prove that we made it down from the falls safe (actually I fell going done and ended up batter and bruise) but we did make it. All of us lived to tell the tale of FHE at Bridal Vail Falls.

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