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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

And the Rain Came Tumbing Down

And the rain came tumbling down...over the ridge creating a spectacular waterfall. It is spring in Oregon and that means rain fall, the wonderful benefit of all the surplus rain is the creation of waterfalls. This waterfall is running so rapidly because of the steady rain Oregon has been getting all winter. David said that the falls are almost non-existent in the summer because of the drought and heat.

This water fall is massive and we had to wear rain jackets to keep from getting soaked.

Check out David and the boys...so cute

Here is the attempt to show you how big the falls actually is...

And here is the indian tribe decked out in all our rain and winter finery

Little waterfalls or streams could be seen through the foliage all along the path up to the top of the falls.

Every switch back on the trail has a marker that helps hikers to count down till they reach the top. We started off really good, all in good spirits, and energy.

Part way up the trail we encountered a group of mourners who had the bagpipes playing and a funeral procession following down from the falls. We were never really sure what it was about but hearing the bagpipe with the mist from the falls made one feel as though you were in "County Tyrone, that's in Ireland".

Here is the view for one of the switch backs, we climbed only about 1 1/4 mile up but we went straight up the mountainside. You can see a lake in the far distances.

Well, we were doing good but here is the Reinhold family taking a breather half-way up the mountain. Gabe and Braydon are doing more then breathing...they are taking advantage of the short distance to the ground and the fact that they are boys and do not care if their cloths get dirty and wet.
Here is the view looking down from the falls. It is straight down. The noise is incredible and the view spectacular.

We all made it to the top and a good Samaritan took our picture.

Right behind the long drop off is this beautiful mini water fall.

Here is one happy couple. Can you feel the love tonight?

Views of the stream that creates the waterfall can be seen the last 1/4 mile of the trail.

Here is the wet and tired group taking advantage of Ruth's desire for a ton of pics to take a rest and get a group shot. We picked up a little babushka along the way. Das Vi Danya, Vonda!

This reminds me of a Bob Ross painting for some reason.

David took this shot...great job...the views were just incredible.

Say cheese!

Give us a big kiss, Braydon! Yummy you taste like vanilla!

The Babushka allow me to take a close up picture with her.

Here we seek refuge from the rain in the whole in the rock.

Aaah...may the beauty of the waterfalls and the thought we had there linger in our hearts forever..it all seems but a dream...the wonderful time we spent admiring God's beautiful nature.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Trip to Oregon and Reinhold Family Update!

Ok, so Bridgette said that Vonda never updates her blog so I am going to give you the run down on the Reinhold Family. I went to Oregon at the end of April for business and I had the opportunity to stay with Vonda and David the whole week. They moved up to the Portland area to help his dad with his farm.

Oregon is so green, could be because it rains....all the time!, but is was beautiful countryside. As I drove out to the Reinhold place I was surprised to see the city melt away into rural farm country. Then I arrive at the Reinhold home and like most days...the usual happened. We had family home evening...the Reinhold's are each choosing a skill to learn...this week it was Braydon's turn and he wanted to learn how to make a cake.

So Vonda got the cake mix and we proceeded to figure how to bake a cake and Braydon did most of the reading of the box and fulfilling the instructions.
But Braydon is a good brother and he let Gabriel stir the mixture with David looking on to supervise spills.
Braydon even let Kendra take a turn at mixing the cake.
Gabie's always hungry...here he is sneaking into the fridge for a little treat before bed.
Here is Gabe riding my legs like a horse, talk about a thigh work out. I was exhausted after about 10 minutes of bucking bronco.
Saturday morning the Reinhold family woke me up at the unheavenly hour of 7 am...this was a Saturday remember...to take me to breakfast at a Meninite store. The food was finger licking good, so hearty that we did not want to eat again until later that night.
Here's me with the kids right before we head off the falls.
Gabe the goober....
Before bed Gabriel and Braydon could always be found playing on the computer at PBS.com. They engage in learning exercises that are interacting with games. It is a great way for them to learn and to have fun playing on the computer.
Also, Kendra works every day on her piano and violin lessons. She sounds wonderful and is preparing to play the music at her brother, Braydon's baptism.

I also spent time with my lovely sister, Vonda, as she worked in the kitchen, swept the floor, and folded the laundry...isn't she beautiful!

Now Update on the Reinhold Farm:

Check out these two. I think they are the coolest chickens ever...I totally want two for my coop when I get one.

They look like they are wearing Indian headdresses.

Here's the Reinholds trying to make their own headdress...sillies!

Check out the Aflac duck...the Reinholds are wanted in the state of California for stealing the Aflac duck on their move to Oregon...investigators do not yet know were to find the Reinholds so keep this information on the down low.

Aflac, aka Sunshine

So there you go the Reinhold family update...hopefully Vonda will update her own blog and tell you more details about the family adventures in Oregon.