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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

First time!

Well, this is my first, ever, personal blog, so I will start with where I am in life right now. I currently live in Orem, UT where I work for an online curriculum provider. I travel around to different areas of the country speaking with potential clients at colleges and university.

Recently I was in Columbia, SC, Martin, TN, and Atlanta, GA. The weather was wonderful in all three areas. In South Carolina purple wild flowers cover the fields like royal carpet and the cherry trees burst with pink blossoms down old southern lanes.

I was gazing out the window on my flight into Tennessee and in the dark of the night the city lights look like river of amber stones trickling down the hillside. Flashes of rubies and emeralds can be seen along side brilliant diamond lights. From the air it looks like a treasure trove of gems just awaiting the eager adventurer.

One city can seem much like the last or the next, but what really make each unique are those things you can only see, eat, or do there. Travel can loose it’s romance when business is to be done, but finding the time a little each day to experience where I am helps me to enjoy the true beauty of the diverse land we call America. There is so much to be seen, whether it is the pueblos of the southwest, the rocky bluffs of the Dakotas, the haunted fields of battle of eras gone by, or the never sleeping movement of metropolis. Each new and old place I go increases my appreciation for this beautiful country.